Saturday, December 6, 2008

Prospect Park, October

My Dog's Hammer

Bird of Fuckin' Prey, my flat white ass.

This was the hawk I had all hope on picking off Maryanne's pigeons.
One week later, the fucking hawk was gone and there was a new mound of pigeon shit under my air conditioner.

My Building

Just a sampling of the 100 pigeons who live in the courtyard of my building.
Maryanne, the crazy pigeon lady who "got the eye cancer" when a pigeon pecked at her face, is responsible for these pigeons, many of whom she's nursed to health in giant cages in her kitchen. When she's not caring for pigeons, she's taking care of the squirrels she also keeps in her apartment; feeding stray cats down by the train station; or smoking copious amounts of weed. The cats meow backwards.